Track: Health, Stress, and Coping

The Science of Stress:
Psychological and Physiological Perspectives:
- Understanding the stress response: Activation of
the HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis and its impact on the body
- Acute vs. chronic stress: How prolonged stress
contributes to mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, and
- The role of individual differences in stress
perception and response (e.g., personality, genetics, life experiences)
Stress-Related Health Outcomes:
- The impact of chronic stress on physical health:
Cardiovascular disease, immune system suppression, and gastrointestinal
- Mental health consequences of chronic stress:
Development and exacerbation of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and
substance use disorders
- The mind-body connection: Exploring the
bidirectional relationship between physical health and mental well-being
Coping Mechanisms: Adaptive vs.
Maladaptive Strategies:
- Adaptive coping strategies: Problem-focused and
emotion-focused coping techniques
- Maladaptive coping mechanisms: Avoidance,
substance use, and other detrimental behaviors
- Developing resilience: The role of cognitive
flexibility, optimism, and social support in effective stress management
Mindfulness and Stress Reduction
- Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
programs: Techniques for cultivating present-moment awareness and
reducing stress
- Meditation, deep breathing, and progressive muscle
relaxation: Practical tools for calming the mind and body
- The role of self-compassion in mitigating the
effects of stress and promoting well-being
Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches
to Stress Management:
- Cognitive restructuring: Identifying and
challenging distorted thinking patterns that contribute to stress
- Behavioral activation: Encouraging engagement in
activities that enhance mood and reduce stress
- Stress inoculation training (SIT): Preparing
individuals to handle future stressors through exposure and skill
The Role of Social Support in
Coping with Stress:
- The protective effects of social support: How
relationships buffer against the negative impact of stress
- Building and maintaining supportive networks:
Strategies for enhancing social connections and seeking help when needed
- Group therapy and peer support: The therapeutic
value of shared experiences and collective coping
Workplace Stress and Burnout:
Prevention and Intervention:
- Understanding burnout: Causes, symptoms, and
stages of burnout in high-stress environments
- Organizational strategies for reducing workplace
stress: Promoting work-life balance, flexible work arrangements, and
employee well-being initiatives
- Individual strategies for preventing burnout: Time
management, boundary-setting, and self-care practices
Stress and Coping Across the
- Stress in childhood and adolescence: The impact of
early life stressors and the development of coping skills
- Stress in adulthood: Balancing work, family, and
personal responsibilities
- Coping with aging-related stressors: Health
changes, loss, and life transitions in later life
Cultural and Cross-Cultural
Perspectives on Stress and Coping:
- Cultural differences in stress perception and
coping styles
- The influence of cultural values, beliefs, and
practices on stress management
- Incorporating culturally sensitive approaches in
stress management interventions
Innovative Approaches to Stress
Reduction and Coping:
- The role of technology: Mobile apps, virtual
reality, and online platforms for stress management
- Exercise and physical activity as stress buffers:
Exploring the mental health benefits of regular physical activity
- Nutritional and lifestyle interventions: How diet,
sleep, and lifestyle choices influence stress resilience
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the psychological and physiological
mechanisms of stress and their impact on mental and physical health.
- Identify and differentiate between adaptive and
maladaptive coping strategies for managing stress.
- Explore evidence-based interventions for stress
reduction, including mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and
social support.
- Gain practical knowledge on developing resilience
and promoting well-being across various life stages and cultural contexts.
Scientific Highlights
- Psychology and Psychiatry
- Psychology of Brain Aging and Emotional Well-Being
- Psychopathology
- Psychiatric Immunology and Physiological Psychology
- Cognitive and Behavioural Science
- Psychopharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
- AI and Machine Learning in Mental Health
- Psychological Interventions
- Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
- Psychological Case Studies in Mental Health
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Women's Mental Health
- Health, Stress, and Coping
- Psychiatric Nursing
- Intellectual Disabilities
- Psychology Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health
- Stroke, Trauma, and Epilepsy
- Applied Psychology
- Clinical Trials and New Frontiers in Psychotherapy